Personal Coaching is the Secret to Success

August 5, 2022

personal coaching

Every success story involves Personal Coaching.

Personal Coaching happens in both Professional and Personal development. The best often specialize in your unique path.  In my coaching, I use what is referred to in psychology as a “Bottom-Up” approach. I do this by beginning to heal, grow and restore function to the body. We can rid ourselves of nagging aches, pains, and self-limiting physical mindset.

Body Frees the Mind

Leading with these physical health changes scientifically allows for my clients to reset old neuropathways. This identifies habits of the brain, while also developing new positive patterns. The physical boosts in serotonin and dopamine (that sense of euphoria or “runner’s high” as it’s been described) created during exercise, frees the mind. This powerfully enables the creation of new possibilities and growth opportunities which resonates through all aspects of your lifestyle.

The body is an incredibly wise brain of its own. If you’re interested in learning more, I encourage a quick read of Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD’s book; The Body Keeps the Score. Personal Coaching is not about sitting back and listening, it’s about identifying and solving alongside your client.

Therapy digs ups the garden, Coaching plants the Seeds

While coaching sessions might sound like Therapy to some, it’s fundamentally different in every way.  As one of the coaches you’ll now meet reminded me, “Therapy is reflecting on the past. Personal Coaching plants the practical application seeds for your future.”

I recently had the opportunity to interview two of my professional ICF coaching alumni. Both have seen their clients grow in exponential and unexpected ways in this post-pandemic world. This new environment of unsure and uncertain times, helping clients double down in self-investment and growth is the common recipe for success.

How Personal Coaching fuels success

elle o’flaherty

Professional ADHD Coach Elle O’Flaherty pivoted from practicing law when she identified how to use her ADHD superpower. Elle now coaches clients and  speaks to audiences about the Power of the ADHD Brain. Seeing ADHD not as a Disorder but as an Innovation in Processing. She was so gracious to teach me about a biological gene (DRD4) that researchers have found is likely linked to ADHD. She shared stories and strategies that have led to her client’s successes in every part of their life. One of the key things I learned was in an ADHD brain that tasks are prioritized by interest rather than importance. For the classic procrastination that plagues us all, interest-based tools are helpful. These tools are very effective with ADHD organized neuropathways and probably the rest of us, too. Having the right personal coaching is your key to success. “Success in coaching is about meeting people where they are.”

elisa viaud

An Executive and Leadership Coach whose impressive resume reads like a Fortune 100’s who’s who. Elisa has seen a real need for her Start-Up and Scale-Up corporate clients to organize for communication and alignment within the organization.  As these companies grow, they realize that having the right talent also requires having the right coaching. This ensures a future in their competitive industry. Executives themselves are not new to individual coaching. Most successful CEOs will attest to the value they place on coaching and for them. The coaching they receive is targeted to their personal experiences and responsibilities. Because of this, industries are seeing a strong wave of Female Executives coaching. Empowerment strategies delivered by powerful female coaches reaffirms them that they belong and are essential to the company’s mission.

Are you ready to be coached?

Be Well. You deserve Success!

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