Stop Setting Goals, that’s it. Yes, the opposite to every health, performance and New Year’s aspiration you’ve ever heard. Here’s the unpopular truth of why goals fail or fall short every time.
My name is Daffney Allwein, I am a 20 year veteran of the health, wellness and coaching industry and I’ve seen every trend, hack and diet that has come along since the “Thighmaster.” We all have set out with a goal, protein drink in hand and the will-powered excitement of toddler in line to see their favorite Disney character. Only to realize that in order to continue we would need less life to get in the way. The most determined of us lose those 10lbs, fit better into our work pants only to be cursing our lack of discipline by Thanksgiving when 8lbs return and we have to start over at New Years. Sound familiar?
Willpower, weakness to temptation, and the ‘busyness’ of life always seem to invade. So, setting Goals doesn’t work. Sounds Bleak, I know. But my coaching clients know better that success is not about setting goals, its about establishing priorities. This is the real solution to real change.
Getting to the Priorities of my client’s eliminates distractions and excuses and puts a laser focus on what is about to change in their lives. You can set 100 goals that all get lost. Goals fail because we are busy ‘fitting them in.’ Fitting in a workout five days a week really looks more like two and a half. Especially when you rush to do so after after a meeting that went longer than expected, you only had the attention span and energy to zombie your way through it, and spent your short workout murmuring about how that meeting could’ve been an email. Instead Prioritizing two targeted workouts first thing in your day to build strength and increase your bone density, creates real change. Thats real sustainable performance and change. Stop setting goals and start designing Priorities that match your actual vision for your life and success.
I believe coaching is such an important part for the Priorities and success strategy. Without the right resources, filters and support, its so easy to default to your old patterns and mindsets that have kept you stuck for years. In the Lift Wellness strategy, you start with your grandest vision you design for yourself and continue to shape and recuse habits, and ideas that don’t support that new vision. The strategy is simple, but it requires real personal fortitude for insights, and reflections that requires honesty, vulnerability and real strength. You don’t get the life you want by deserving it. You get the life you settle for.
So leave your depression, anxiety, FOMO and frustration behind and design the life you want. I’m here to help, you.